Saturday, April 15, 2017

First Time Soccer/Team Mom

First Time Soccer Mom
This season we enrolled Azzy in soccer. Chris decided he would be the Coach for her team. He had to complete a Livescan (fingerprints) and application to be eligible to be a Coach. The league was a little unorganized at the beginning as far as pictures go. Picture day was scheduled the first day prior to their first game. Chris failed to give me my spot as Team Mom (in charge of all activities) so it was a little awkward for the first two games. I had read a blog prior to starting the season that gave tips on tiny tots. I just wanted to share one that the blog got to the “T”! “BE PREPARED TO WATCH YOUR CHILD SIT OUT THE ENTIRE GAME INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME” We have about half the team that does not like to play on game day. However, on practice days they have soooo much enthusiasm.
Being a part of a sports team can be a financial burden for some people because many teams like ours, do not get sponsored, therefore the team parents are stuck having to pay all the costs. As the Team Mom I have to organize the team party, order trophies, and create the snack schedules. I also have a quick wrap-up meeting with the parents after practice and after the games. We had an issue with parents paying us timely for the banner we had pre-purchased. Keep in mind that we actually consulted with the parents prior to ordering the banner so that they were aware they would owe us their part. I recommend if you are doing something like this to NOT pay anything in advance! Collect all your fees and have a set due date allowing you enough time to order trophies, jerseys, etc.
Other than collecting money from parents, I honestly do not have any other problems. It is a little disappointing not seeing your child play on game day because they are not feeling it. It is actually really fun for me to be really involved in the team. If you are looking forward to being involved as a team mom be aware of the demands and if you are a new sports team parent, then be aware of the fees and costs (snacks for the team, team party, pictures, trophies, etc).
Would anyone like to share any of their first experiences as a team parent?

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